This article is for students. If you are an administrator or faculty member, please see our Resources for Administrators or Resources for Faculty and Staff section.

As a student, you can also post projects to your profile to show that you would like to engage others to work with! 

NOTE: If your institution does not have a searchable student database, you will not be able to share your projects or collaborate with other students. 


Adding Projects

To post a project, go to Projects and then select “Add Your First Project”.

Once you have selected “Add Your First Project”, you can input information about your project, as seen in the image below:

Once you have completed filling out your project information, you can confirm your project posting by selecting “Add Project”, where your project will then populate under Projects > Active. If you find that you have inputted any information incorrectly or would like to update your posting, you can edit your project information by selecting “Edit Project”.

If your project has an application deadline, it will appear on the Projects page to other students until it reaches the deadline. If you would like to archive a project or remove it from public view, you can do so by selecting “Edit Project” > “Archive Project”. This action will move your project from Projects > Active to Projects > Archived.

Collaborating with other students

To collaborate with other students on your project, go to My Profile, and then select the toggle under “Actively Seeking Collaborators”. Selecting this toggle will indicate on your profile that you are looking for other students to join you on your project. Please note that you must first have posted an active project before being able to select the toggle. If you have multiple active projects posted to your profile but are only seeking collaborators for one or specific projects, please make sure to communicate that through your project description. Students that are interested in working alongside you and your project are encouraged to reach out via Messages. When you receive a message on ForagerOne, you will also be notified via your connected email.

If you would like to collaborate with other students on their projects, use the searchable database to look for students with collaborative projects. Go to Search > Students in your dashboard, and then use the filter "Students with posted projects" on the left side of the screen. Make sure to look for students with "Seeking Collaborators" in their profile, and use any other filters to narrow your search. Once you have found other students with projects that you are interested in, reach out to them by selecting Message