This article is for faculty members. If you are an administrator or student, please see our Resources for Administrators or Resources for Students section.

If you are looking to engage students in your work, make sure they know that you are actively accepting by selecting the toggle under Profile > Accepting Students. Please note that the toggle cannot be de-selected once you have posted an active project. Selecting this toggle will indicate on your profile as well as on the Search > Faculty page that you are open to accepting students, as seen in the image below:

If you have specific projects that you would like to recruit students for, please post them to Projects in your dashboard. To post a new project, please select “Add a New Project”, where you will then be able to input or indicate the following information:

  • Project Title 
  • Seeking: Undergraduate, Master's Student, Doctoral Candidate, Postdoctoral Research / Research Staff, Medical Resident / Medical Fellow (optional)
  • Opportunity Type: Paid, Academic Credit, Volunteer 
  • Time commitment: 0-5 hours/week, 5-10 hours/week, 10-15 hours/week, 15-20 hours/week, 20-30 hours/week, or Fulltime 
  • Position application deadline (optional) 
  • Description 
  • Virtual/remote project

Once you have completed filling out your project information, you can confirm your project posting by selecting “Add Project”, where your project will then populate under Projects > Active. If you find that you have inputted any information incorrectly or would like to update your posting, you can edit your project information by selecting “Edit Project”.

If your project has an application deadline, it will appear under your faculty page to students until it reaches the deadline. If you would like to archive a project or remove it from student view, you can do so by selecting “Edit Project” > “Archive Project”. This action will move your project from Projects > Active to Projects > Archived.

If you do not have a specific project that you are recruiting students to work with but would still like to open your door to interested students, you can still set your toggle to “on” under Accepting Students. This action will allow students to send you an interest statement and any supplemental documents, which will then populate under Applications.

Once you begin receiving applications from students, you can filter the applications under Applications. All submitted applications will appear under “Pending” until you take action on accepting or declining their application. As you look through your applications, you can use filters such as GPA, Major, and Project located on the left side of the page. During this time, you can also message the student to schedule an interview or ask any relevant questions. Once you have made a decision, please select “Accept” or “Decline” at the bottom of the respective application, and the application will then move to the relevant area (“Accepted” or “Declined”). The student will then be able to accept or decline your offer. During this process, you should also receive email notifications about submitted applications and students’ decisions.