This article is for administrators. If you are a faculty member or student, please see our Resources for Faculty and Staff or Resources for Students section.

As your students and faculty members use ForagerOne, you will be able to monitor different metrics to track activity and engagement through your university. Each tab under Analytics can be filtered by date range and graduation year, with the exception of Faculty Users Breakdown as graduation year does not apply to faculty members.

Selecting the question mark icon (as indicated in the image below) next to each filter will showcase what specific fields are filtered.

For example, in Overview, if you filter by graduation year, this will affect the following fields:

  • Breakdown of User Types 
  • Cumulative student sign-ups

Within all graphs that provide information collected over time, you can click and drag your cursor along the y-axis to zoom into a highlighted portion.



Within the tab Overview, you will see the following metrics:

  • Breakdown of User Types: the representation of users (student, faculty, and administrator) across the university and the total number of users 
  • Cumulative student sign-ups (graph): a running total of student users who have successfully signed up and claimed their account over time 
  • Cumulative faculty sign-ups (graph): a running total of faculty users who have successfully signed up and claimed their account over time 
  • Top 10 Faculty Profile Visits (graph): the representation of the faculty profiles who received the most profile visits 
  • Top 10 Department Visits (graph): the representation of the departments that received the most profile visits

To export a CSV file about Student Profiles, Faculty Profiles, Bookmarks & Applications, and Faculty Projects, please scroll to the bottom of the Overview page and select any of the arrows under the tab “Download". The downloaded files will reflect the data collected up to the respective date of downloading. 

  • Student Profiles Data: This file includes the Applicant ID as well as information inputted into the students' profile, with the exception of the uploaded supplemental files. 
  • Faculty Profiles Data: This file includes the Faculty ID as well as all information inputted into the faculty and staff members' profile. The exported file will not include the uploaded supplemental files or the publication information. 
  • Bookmarks and Applications: This file indicates which faculty members your students have bookmarked, as well as if they have submitted any applications to their projects.
    • Applicant ID: This column lists the applicant ID that is associated with each student. The students can be matched to their ID in the "Student Profile Data" file. 
    • Faculty ID: This column lists the faculty ID that is associated with each faculty. The faculty members can be matched to their ID in the "Faculty Profile Data" file. 
    • Progress: This column indicates what stage the student is currently at in regard to their application. 
      • None: Student has only bookmarked a faculty member. 
      • Saved: Student has begun working on their interest statement and has saved their draft application. 
      • Submitted: Student has submitted their interest statement. 
    • Submitted Date: Date at which the student submitted their interest statement. This column is a newer feature, so some older students who may show "Submitted" in their Progress column may not have a corresponding date.  
    • Research Project ID: This column lists the project ID that is associated with each project. The IDs can be matched to the project in the "Faculty Projects" file. If a student does not have a corresponding ID, this means that they are not applying to a specific project, but instead applying to generally work with a professor.
  • Faculty Projects: This file includes the Research Project ID associated with each project as well as all information uploaded with the project. 

If you are having trouble downloading your files, please make sure your browser settings are configured properly.

Student Users Breakdown

Within the tab Student Users Breakdown, you will see the following metrics:

  • Activity 
    • Students that have searched faculty
    • Students that have bookmarked faculty
    • Students that have submitted applications
  • Demographics 
    • Student Majors (graph): the representation of student majors in alphabetical order
    • Student Minors (graph): the representation of student minors in alphabetical order
    • Student Year: the representation of student years across the university and the total number of student users 
    • Skills Listed in Student Profiles: table with all the skills that have been entered in student profiles

Faculty Users Breakdown

Within the tab Faculty Users Breakdown, you will see the following metrics:

  • Activity: the total number of faculty that are participating in each feature available on the platform 
    • Faculty accepting students
    • Faculty who have posted a project
    • Faculty who have filled out their Research Keywords
    • Faculty who have filled out their Research Description
  • Demographics 
    • Signed Up Faculty by Division (graph): representation of faculty within their respective division in alphabetical order 
    • Signed Up Faculty by Department (graph): representation of faculty within their respective department in alphabetical order

Student-Faculty Interactions

Within the tab Student-Faculty Interactions, you will see the following metrics:

  • Total Number of the following activities: 
    • Unique conversations
    • Faculty that have accepted students
    • Students that have accepted faculty (after faculty accepted student)
    • Bookmarks
    • Submitted applications
    • Average applications submitted by students
    • Messages sent (by both faculty and students)
    • Projects posted
  • Posted Projects: table containing information about the research project ID, project title, opportunity type, expiration date, and when the project was last updated. To export this information, please go to Overview > CSV Files 
  • Connection Status Table 1: Response received: table containing information about applications where the faculty member has responded. The table contains information about the student name and email, faculty name and email, the student application submission date, if the faculty has responded, and if the student has responded. Within each line of information, you can access the account of the student or faculty member. The information can also be organized in ascending or descending alphabetical or chronological order when you select the gray arrow next to each column title. You can also search by name, email, or response using the search bar. 
  • Connection Status Table 2: Awaiting response: table containing information about applications where the faculty member has not yet responded. The table contains information about the student name and email, faculty name and email, the student application submission date, faculty response, and student response. Similar to the previous table, you can access the account of each student and faculty member related to the application, as well as organize the information in ascending or descending alphabetical or chronological order using the gray arrows. You can also search by name, email, or response using the search bar.  

Both Connection Status Table 1: Response received and Connection Status Table 2: Awaiting response can be exported as CSV files.