This article is for faculty members. If you are an administrator or student, please see our Resources for Administrators or Resources for Students section.

Growing your research team does not have to be limited to students reaching out! Connect with other faculty and staff from within or outside of your department through ForagerOne using the searchable database or indicating on your profile that you're looking for collaborators. 

If you are looking to work with another faculty member's project, use the searchable database to look for collaborators by going to Search > Faculty in your dashboard and then selecting "Users with posted projects". Make sure to look for the sign "Seeking Collaborators". Use any of the other filters available to narrow down your search. When you have found faculty members with projects that you would like to collaborate with, select Messages to initiate a conversation with that respective faculty member about collaborating. 

To indicate to other faculty or staff that you are looking for someone to join them on your own collaborative project, you can select the toggle under Profile > Actively Seeking Collaborators. 

You must have at least one posted project in order to enable this option. Similar to how selecting the toggle to Recruitment Status results in a badge on your profile, you will also receive a badge on your profile marked “Seeking Collaborators”. If you have multiple active projects posted to your profile, but would only like to engage collaborators in specific projects, please make sure to communicate that in your project description to prevent any confusion. Faculty members that may be interested in collaborating with you should reach out to you via Messages. When you receive a message on ForagerOne, you will also be notified via your connected email.

Now on ForagerOne when you receive connection requests from students you can reply directly to the notification email to respond to the student. The message contained in your reply via email will be automatically shared as a message in your conversation with the student on the ForagerOne platform (under Messages), and the student will additionally be notified via email. However, please note that any attachments, links, fonts, and special formatting will not be transmitted.