Live Sessions

Information and guides for organizers surrounding the Live Sessions and Tables features on Symposium.

Creating and coordinating Live Sessions
ApplicableĀ packages Applicable to all Symposium packages This article is for event organizers. If you are an event participant, please see our Resource...
Fri, 8 Apr, 2022 at 1:53 PM
A guide to Meetings, Webinars, and Live Streams
Applicable packages Applicable to all Symposium packages This article is for event organizers. If you are an event participant, please see our Resource...
Thu, 28 Apr, 2022 at 1:00 PM
A guide to Tables
Applicable packages Applicable to all Symposium packages This article is for event organizers. If you are an event participant, please see our Resource...
Tue, 4 Jan, 2022 at 12:53 PM
Tables FAQ
Applicable packages Applicable to all Symposium packages This article is for event organizers. If you are an event participant, please see our Resou...
Tue, 2 Nov, 2021 at 9:42 AM