This article is for students. If you are an administrator or faculty member, please see our Resources for Administrators or Resources for Faculty and Staff section.

ForagerOne is a platform that builds your educational institution's research ecosystem, with a wide range of capabilities that connects students with faculty for integrative learning opportunities, enables faculty members to grow their research teams, and equips administrators with data-based actionable insights. 

Within this article, you will find a list of helpful resources to explore the functionality of ForagerOne. 


Creating and building your Profile

After successfully signing up for ForagerOne, you can set up your profile by inputting more information about yourself in the following sections:

  • Supplemental Files: Upload your resume, transcript, recommendation letters, and any other relevant files here. If you would like to hide the files from the public view of your educational institution, make sure the toggle under “Supplemental Files” is de-selected. Please note that public view only refers to your internal educational institution and does not refer to the general public. All files you would like to upload must be in PDF format. Please keep in mind that faculty members will see the name of the file so please name it with that in mind. 
  • About: Use this section to input important information about yourself such as what research or work you are interested in. This section is a great way to give an overview of who you are and make a great first impression. The maximum word count for this section is 1000 words. 
  • Areas of Interest: List areas of research that you are interested in. Make sure to use keywords and describe the areas as clearly as possible. The maximum word count is 200 words. 
  • Experience: Use this section to expand on your experiences and highlight what skills you utilized or mastered. Make sure to include important details such as your title, position, company/organization name, responsibilities, and achievements. If applicable, describe your achievements and accomplishments using numeric values, such as quantifiable change. The maximum word count is 750 words. 
  • Presentations/Competitions/Performances: This section is a great way to mention any presentations, competitions, or performances you participated in as well as how you placed in them. The maximum word count is 1000 words. 
  • Publications: Include any publications you authored or co-authored here. Make sure to include each publication as a new section and list the year, title, magazine, website, or journal. You can choose to list them in the following order: peer-reviewed publications such as books and book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles, contributions to outlets, and non-peer-reviewed publications. If applicable, you can also choose to include the DOI and abstract. The maximum word count is 100,000 words. 
  • Awards: Use this section to highlight any awards you may have received as this helps you to stand out and solidify your accomplishments and skills. You can include scholarships, Dean's list or honor roll, service awards, competition awards, leadership awards, and any other kind of acknowledgment you have received. Expand on the awards by including when you received the award, who gave you the award, and the purpose of the award. The maximum word count is 1000 words.
NOTE: Some educational institutions may have additional or different sections than the sections listed above. 

Properly setting up your profile is helpful for other students and faculty members that may be interested in either collaborating or working with you.

If you are looking for full-time jobs or opportunities that are not internships, you can activate the toggle under “Actively Seeking Full-Time Jobs?” Please note that in order to select this toggle, you will need to have uploaded and selected a resume. After you have selected this toggle, we will reach out to you with any opportunities relevant to your profile information and resume.

If you are looking for other experiences such as consulting for external companies, please activate the toggle under “Interested in Consulting Part-Time for Companies?” Similar to the previous toggle, you will need to have uploaded and selected a resume in order to successfully select this toggle. Once you have selected a resume and the toggle, ForagerOne will reach out to you if we find any opportunities that seem like a good fit based on your profile information and resume.

Under both of these sections, you will be able to select the relevant resume as well as include fields or areas of work that you are interested in to better help curate a list of relevant opportunities.

How to engage meaningfully on ForagerOne

After building your profile, you can begin exploring the different features available on Foragerone. Here are some ways to engage effectively on ForagerOne to ensure that you have the opportunity to contribute to path-breaking discoveries, develop important pre-professional skills, and connect with the right faculty mentors. 

NOTE: Some educational institutions may have varying database features, so your dashboard may contain different functions, and you may not be able to search for or collaborate with other students.